Happy Friday, Nashville! How is your holiday shopping going? Have you bought my present yet? I really appreciate you thinking of me. I know, I know… I think you are great too! Seriously, where’s my present? Here is a little present for you. I’m giving you three choices of shows to see tonight in Nashville. We already talked about Vinyl Thief & The Black Cadillacs at The End tonight and Canon Blue with Brooke Waggoner & Empires tonight at The Basement. What? That’s not enough for you? Fine, greedy, fine. How about White Rabbits tonight at Exit/In?
I was obsessed with the opening track from White Rabbits’ 2009 release It’s Frightening. It was aptly named “Percussion Gun”, and those drums just punch you in the face from the first few seconds of that song. In my opinion, the record never really caught up with that opening few seconds, but it was still on pretty heavy rotation for several months back in 2009.
Originally hailing from Missouri (pronounced by locals as Missour-ah), the White Rabbits released their first studio album, Fort Nightly, back in 2007, but they really grabbed a bit of the national spotlight with the release of It’s Frightening. Spoon’s Britt Daniel produced It’s Frightening, and you can definitely hear Britt’s influence. That record got them into tours with (the before mentioned) Spoon, The Walkmen, Richard Swift, and Interpol. They’ve hit most of the festivals, and a number of them late night TV fellars. I really wore out their Blogotheque session back in 2009 as well. I’ve attached “Percussion Gun” from that Blogotheque session as well as the original album cut below. You are going to hear some tracks from the new LP tonight (set for release in 2012), which has some more danceable tunes (supposedly inspired by Beyoncé). I’m not sure what to make of that, but you know the White Rabbits are going to bring it like they do for all of their kick-ass live shows.
I didn’t know openers Sonoi, but I spent this morning listening to them. It’s a cool psychedelic-infused pop that I think is worth you getting there early enough to check out a few songs. I found a bandcamp link to their newest record, and threw the player below for ya.
Things get started around 9pm tonight, and tickets are $12 at the door (or $10 advance here). No matter what you decide to do tonight, get out to see some live music!
White Rabbits – “Percussion Gun”
Audio Player
[vimeo 6951147]
[bandcamp album=4244912467 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]
Sounds awesome. I wish I could make it. Say hey to Jamie if you go.