Ah, the lost “art” of the music video. While there are some notable contemporary exceptions (such as ∆, Bat For Lashes, Arcade Fire, Fiona Apple still going strong, etc) — it feels like nobody’s wasting any time on these things in the straight-to-Youtube-just-before-forgotten-time of RIGHT NOW.
And that’s partly what makes this week’s Diversion so delightful; it harkens back to a happier(?) time when being in the Buzz Bin meant something, man…
…well, something to everyone except Noel Gallagher. Who apparently absolutely loathed every moment of every music video he ever made… and now, thanks to the miracle of the internet (which may have killed the music video star all together) here we can both ironically reminiscence together about this near forgotten form and enjoy a level of deep disdain for commercial music practice that rivals the Pope of Mope himself (must be an English thing). Anyways, without further ado, we bring you the greatest mash-up of 1/2 of Oasis hating on his own music videos, ever…
What have we learned today, friends? Maybe sometimes it actually is ok to look back in anger, because it can be pretty freaking hilarious. Happy Hump Day!