I’ve given the blog over to the organizers for this season’s East Nashville Underground Festival to tell you a little bit about their event coming up this weekend. I can’t think of a better way for you to support the local music scene. Get out and have some fun this weekend…

So what IS East Nashville Underground, exactly? …here’s the sitch.
There have been pretty epic house parties in the past in east nashville. You probably remember them, maybe you don’t. This time, we have taken the east Nashville house-party/concert and created …
And we do it every season.
18 bands + 2 DJs, and best of all, free drinks.
Weekend Wristbands
When you purchase a weekend wristband ($20) on Friday night, it comes with…
-18 bands
-2 DJs
-an ENU rubber wristband (Livestrong-style, but gray, debossed)
-a limited-edition ENU Spring 2012 tshirt
-a show poster
-your choice of 1 (of 3 designs)
-FREE DRINKS ALL WEEKEND (kegs, vodka/cranberry, whiskey/coke), muffins & mimosas Saturday daytime.
We do sell advance wristbands if you email us at rockout@eastnashvilleunderground.com – you’ll be guest-listed.
We can take cash, debit or credit cards. (cards have a $1 processing fee per transaction).
Friday/Saturday Night at Underground
*Friday night, Undergrounders will be encouraged to CAMP OUT and kick off the new Saturday daytime shows. We will offer free Saturday entry to anyone who attends ENU Friday night AND CAMPS OUT, $5 for those who do not have a Friday night wristband. We will stuff your face with MIMOSAS AND MUFFINS as a late breakfast and continue to serve free drinks (mimosas and keg beer) throughout Saturday. Come camp with us!
Who doesn’t love muffins, mimosas, and music?…
Join us for great bands and brunch (in the middle of East Nashville Underground music festival!) (brunch starts at 10am, bands from 1pm – 6:30pm)
– We will offer free Saturday daytime entry to anyone who attends ENU Friday night AND CAMPS OUT.
– $5 (for anyone who does not have a Friday night wristband.)
– We’ll stuff your face with MIMOSAS AND MUFFINS brunch and continue to serve free drinks (mimosas and keg beer) throughout Saturday up until 6pm.
Friday night ENU’ers will be encouraged to CAMP OUT and kick off the new Saturday daytime shows.
Come camp with us Friday night after ENU and get in FREE Saturday daytime!
SaturDAY, May 19th
(brunch starts at 10am, bands from 1pm – 6:30pm)
Kiernan McMullan
Holley Maher
Scott Fernandez
Queens Blvd
Jared Corder
Leigh Houison